Well at least Saturday was a beautiful day....Sunday....not so much! I know that I'm not the only one ready for Spring to really show up!!! Because Saturday was a beatiful day, Brandon brought Kaden over so we could take him and Kambria to an Easter egg hunt. Jon ended up being done with work early so he met up with us too.

Here is Eli all snuggled up against me in the carrier pack......he's so cute! "I will call him squishy, and he will be mine, he will be my squishy." (Finding Nemo)

After the Hunt Brandon decided to go ride his bike so we took Kambria and Kaden to the park to try out her Kambria's new Elmo kite......it turned out to just be worth the $1.oo we paid for it, but it was fun watching them run after it and the most important thing was they had fun with it!! :)

That night we had Adrianna's 18th birthday party (Jon's "kid" sister). It was a lot of fun and was a big surprise for her!!! :) Here are some pics from the party........

Adrianna dancing with her Grandpa

.....dancing with her Dad

Kambria having fun dancing with Adie's friends

.........Adie is dancing with all the boys in her life...now the newest...Eli!

Jon and I finally having our dance at the end! (he was the dj)

Kambria's idea of helping to clean up was stuffing the easter basket grass from the tables in her pocket..........

.....and hitching a ride on the big vacuum....along with Madeleine! :)

And here is Eli just ready to go home and go to bed after a fun night of partying!
.............................and now to Easter morning..................
Here is Kambria finding her basket that the Easter bunny has left her

The Easter bunny also hid eggs filled with candy in our front yard, Kambria had fun looking for them!!

After church and to end our eventful weekend, we went to my parent's house for dinner and to celebrate Brandon's birthday.