Eli has been smiling for a while now, but I finally caught a picture of it a couple weeks ago!
He is 2 months old already! Time goes so fast! And he is our little chunk......our cute chunk! He was weighed on Thursday(the 25th) and he was 14lbs!!! He also grew a whole inch in 10 days....he is now 24 1/4 inches! He's so funny! He loves to lay down on his back and he will just kick his little legs and move his arms like he is trying to run or swim somewhere! :)
Kambria has been a great big sister! She loves her baby brother! I look at her all the time and can't believe my first baby is almost 4! We have been blessed with 2 cute kids! :)
It has been so nice to finally have a few nice days to enjoy!!! I can't wait for spring to finally stay and summer to come! To end this post, here are a few pics of Kambria enjoying the nice days, Eli was sleeping, but I'm sure the fresh air was nice! :)
Oh yeah! And here is a great picture of Kambria zonked out after a long day! :)