Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I found our wedding video!!!
It was a wonderful, yet busy day. We were married in Richland, WA in the LDS Columbia River Temple in the morning and had our reception that night at one of the church buildings in Spokane. It was so windy in Richland that day, there were 40 mph gusts! It made for some funny, interesting, and cool pictures outside the temple! :) I am wearing my mom's weading dress! We had it altered a little, but it was so neat to have that opportunity! I love Jon so much and am so grateful to have such a loyal, loving, and hardworking husband. He is an amazing Daddy too!!! I can't believe this was already almost 7 years ago!
~April 13th, 2002
Monday, November 24, 2008
A day at the Ranch
Anyway.....we decided it would be fun to go out there to see the horses and cows and to visit with the Ranch hand's wife Kristen and his daughter Riley. They are so awesome! The girls were excited to see and pet the horses and they had a lot of fun playing in Riley's room too while Kristen and I visited for a few hours! It turned out to be a fun and beautiful day!

Kambria and Audrianna running down to see the horses.

Friday, November 21, 2008
Eli and our Cat

This is the little shelving unit I use for some of Eli's clothes(which is falling apart). I went to get pajamas for Eli and this is what I found! :)
Daddy Time
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Eli's 2nd haircut and isn't he handsome!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Chuck E Cheese Birthday!
A little girl that I babysit sometimes had her birthday party at Chuck E Cheese right before Halloween. I got some cute pics so I thought I would share!
Kambria and Danielle(the birthday girl!) Danielle turned 3!!!

Kambria and Danielle playing with the blue screen and watching themselves on the tv screen

Eli got in on the blue screen action too! And he is showing off his standing skills!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008
More Fall Fun!
About a month ago when the leaves first started falling off our tree in our backyard I took these pics of Kambria, Audrianna, and Madeleine. I LOVE THE COLORS OF FALL!!!!!!!!

While taking the pictures of the girls, Eli was taking a nap. He woke up right before we were going to go inside, so I had to take some of him too! I love his little Coug (WSU) jacket I found at Other Mothers!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween brought out the Monkey in Eli and the Princess in Kambria

What is Eli going to get into??? The candy wraper on the floor...or............
.......HIS SISTER'S CANDY!!!!!!:)
I wanted a picture of Kambria and Kaden together, but Kaden didn't want his picture taken at that point. Grandma is trying to get him to smile! :)
My Mom, Dad, and Jon waiting with Kambria and Kaden in the middle of the gym floor for the rest of the candy to be thrown in the middle and everyone to go for it! :) (kind of like an easter egg hunt without the eggs)
---notice my Dad wearing shorts! His rule is that he doesn't wear pants until November...only shorts!! :)
Halloween = Pumpkins
Last Tuesday the kids and I went to my parent's house for our annual pumpkin carving and pizza night. Jon had a meeting and wasn't able to make it this year. It has been even more fun the last couple years since the kids are starting to get older and more into it!
mmmmm..........pumpkin goop!

The pumpkin eats up almost all of Kaden's arm! :)

My mom thought it would be fun to see if Eli likes pumpkin....raw.....the way this picture looks he doesn't look like he likes it, but he seemed to like it while he was licking/sucking on the scraper!

Eli's first pumpkin!

Kaden helped Grandpa K. poke the holes for the outline of the stencil
Kambria watching while I play "connect the dots" with the little carving knife
Our pumpkin masterpieces!.......
......and glowing in the dark^On each end is mine and my Dad's (I did a castle/mansion and my Dad did a silly pumpkin face)
The kids' pumpkins: Eli's basic pumpkin face, Kaden's skeleton, and Kambria's "Queen Crown"