Today we got 10 more inches!!! Yikes! I don't have updated pictures, but here are some from a week and a half ago. 

Jon threw Missy in, you can see her head barely poking out of the snow!
I love this makes me laugh.....but I feel bad for her at the same time! :) She had no choice but to stick her butt in the snow to "take care of business"!

Jon threw Missy in, you can see her head barely poking out of the snow!

I love this makes me laugh.....but I feel bad for her at the same time! :) She had no choice but to stick her butt in the snow to "take care of business"!

Here are the pictures I took on the paper route that I promised to post as soon as I got them. It is usually dark the whole paper route, but on this day we didn't get done until 8:00am so majority of the pics are in the daylight.

The bottom of my pant legs should not be this wide! There was at least a few inches of snow all the way around my ankles and the bottom of my legs and around my boots. My socks were soaked all the way down to my toes, which were frozen!!!!

As I said before, it snowed another 10 inches today! We'll see how the route goes in the morning!!! This morning I slipped twice and almost fell countless other times because of the ice, now there is snow over the ice! Wish us luck!........And Safety!!!