I finally got my pictures from January onto the computer!!!

I didn't blog about New years because I wanted to wait until I got the pictures from it onto the computer.....I didn't think it would take this long!!! New Years eve didn't turn out at all how we planned it! We decided to stay home this year since we have the paper route and had to wake up really early the next morning. So we invited our best friends over (George, Rhiannon, and Madeleine) for some yummy food and games and we would watch the other New Years festivities on the
tv. I did a little decorating and got the food ready, even displayed it nicely as you can see in the next couple pics. But.......neither Jon or I got to take a nap before hand since we had been up since 3:00 am that morning so after eating pizza and salad and watching part of a movie we both ended up falling asleep, along with
Kambria and Eli. Needless to say, Rhiannon woke me up around 12:30 before they were about to leave. I felt
soooooo bad!!!!!
Luckily they are such awesome f
riends and they were planning on having a relaxing new years anyway that they said they didn't mind and that they understood why we were party
poopers and fell asleep. Sorry again guys! :) I woke Jon up so we could go to bed, but before we did we decided to
at least have a new years toast(with cranberry-apple juice) and a new years kiss. Happy New Year to a "
gettn' older, paper
routn', tired couple" eh!

~bad self portrait!!!

Also before we could get to bed, Eli woke up and decided to join our little festivities.

The next couple pictures are of
Kambria New Years morning celebrating in her own way since she just slept all night.

Eli Loves To Climb!Here he is climbing the couch as he likes to do daily! I have to watch him though because he will try and go over the arm of the couch since there are toys back there in that corner! :)
He was all the way up on the ledge of the refrigerator at one point, but I couldn't grab my camera fast enough to catch it. 
Here is Jon shoveling off our roof and breaking our ice dams as he had been doing everyday for the week or two before on tons of other houses!