Eli loves to "drive"! Here he is driving Grandpa's truck.......he is a pretty lucky boy, because Grandpa K doesn't just let anyone drive it! :)
oooooooo.......dirt! :)
It was a nice day but the water was still really cold! Jon actually got all the way in a couple of times......he's crazy like that! :) Kambria got a lot further in than I thought she would too.

Eli loved walking up and down the little incline on the beach.
After getting back to the trailer it was time to just hang out, eat dinner, and celebrate Jon's birthday with yummy cake and ice cream
We didn't have a candle so we improvised :)
Yeah! Silverwood on Monday! ........another family picture on the train
My mom and dad went to Silverwood on Saturday and saw this cowgirl hat that they knew they wanted to get for Kambria. She loves it! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa K! Eli got a cool airplane!
I love Eli's little Gonzaga outfit!
Eli's first time on the little train roller coaster!
Kambria, Jon, and I went on the bumper boats since it was warm out. Kambria and I got soaked because I got us stuck right under all the water sprayers.
We didn't bring any towels in so I let her use Eli's blanket.
Kambria is now tall enough to ride most of the big rides with an adult. She wanted to ride one of the big roller coasters, so I took her on the least intense of the 4 (the corkscrew would jerk her around too much) the Timber Terror.
She was nervous!
This is her reaction afterward....... she said it was a little to scary but she would maybe try it again next time.....we'll see! :)
We had to get ice cream before we left because it is tradition and because it is so yummy! Eli kept biting instead of licking......his "freeze" face was priceless! :)
Jon wearing (standing behind) a big cowboy boot :)