When we got there there was a table set up where the kids were given there first candy cane and they got to sign up to try to be the first child to see Santa and receive the first gift of the season. (just like on the Polar Express) They were also given special tickets too!
While waiting for Mrs. Clause to start reading the book "The Polar Express" there were elves passing out little bells; not only for the kids but also for the adults who "still believe" and who have been "good this year". :) Rhiannon, Jon, and I all received one! :) I guess we have been good this year.......and of course we "still believe"! :)
Santa's big arrival down the grand escalator. :)
I Love Riverpark Square's Christmas tree!
Eli loved the huge Christmas tree too!
"oooohhhhhh" "yay"
Madeleine showing me her bell and her ticket. :)
We got in line and waited a little over 45 minutes to see Santa! That is the longest I have been willing to stand in line to see him, but of course the kids would be heartbroken if they didn't get to sit on Santa's lap the first time they got to see him this year.
By the front entrance they have a couple gigantic presents, so we decided to take a few pics of the kids on them.

And finally we got to see Santa! :) The workers didn't like it very much that we were just taking pics from our camera's and not purchasing packages. They did say though that they couldn't tell us no. The packages are way to expensive for what you get!!! Riverpark Square's Santa is Great! :) He didn't make us or the kids feel rushed. He actually took a couple minutes with them. That is probably why it took longer in the line, but it is so worth it for the kids not to be rushed off his lap! :) I love the Santa's that have their own "whiskers"! :) He was very sweet!
I caught this pic when he was talking to Eli.
Eli was pretty good with him for about 10 seconds, and then he wanted Mommy or Daddy. He loved that he gave him another candy cane though!!!
Madeleine did a lot better this year than last! :) She even brought her Walmart toy add to show Santa the barbie or baby that she wants! :)
It was a great night with the kids and with good friends! I love Christmas time!!!! Although it isn't quite Thanksgiving yet, because of last night I really am into the Christmas spirit already and might even start listening to the music a week early! :) George met up with us a little later and the kids were so excited to show him the pictures of Santa! :)
It really is... "beginning to look a lot like Christmas"