We first had to get new tires for Jon's truck, not fun, but while waiting we went over to Subway to get an early lunch since we were all hungry! Kambria loves going to Subway, but it usually isn't Eli's favorite. We love that they have all their footlongs for 5 bucks right now, because that means we aren't limited, especially Jon because he loves to get the "spicy Italian". Usually I split part of my footlong with the kids but Eli usually doesn't eat a lot of his part, until this day! He didn't want any of mine, he wanted Daddy's! He is definitely his father's child when it comes to spicy food!! I don't do spicy and Kambria is even more sensitive to it than I am. But Eli has always loved spicy stuff! Once Daddy gave him a bite of his "spicy Italian" he wanted more and more and more! I guess whenever I go there with the kids I will have to get Eli his own kids size "spicy Italian". :)
After getting the truck back we went and bought a bike trailer so we can start doing more bike rides as a family. We headed home to get the bikes and our helmets and then drove over to Mission park to ride the trail from there to Riverfront park.

After a LONG ride, not just to Riverfront park, but through downtown and Browns Addition, we finally stopped at the park and let the kids play on the Wagon slide.

Heading back to the truck so we could get home and get ready for the 2 receptions we had to go to that night.

Kambria fell asleep on the way back to the truck. :)