Easter is just like Christmas in some ways! Both holidays are truly about our Savior Jesus Christ and his amazing life and teachings. But they are also alike because we don't do all the activities and celebrating in one day. The Christmas holiday starts several weeks before, but Easter activities, for us, usually start about a week before.
This year I took the kids to see the Easter bunny a week before.
Kambria was very excited, Eli didn't know what to think at first. :) He went right up to him and shook his hand, but then he turned around and started coming back toward me. I picked him up and tried to sit him in the bunny's lap, he didn't like that at all!! But after he saw
Kambria sit in his lap he decided it was okay and even said "cheese" for the picture. :)

This year, Easter Sunday landed on General Conference weekend for our Church. (it is always the first weekends of October and April) Because of this, our ward had
their Easter services the Sunday before.
Kambria picked out her own Easter dress this year and was VERY EXCITED to wear it!
I tried to get a picture of the two of them together, but just like last year Eli was not interested in pictures at that time at all! So this is the best I got! :)

Kambria's Sunday school teacher has a lamb and brought him to church to go with her Easter lesson! The kids were very excited!
The Thursday before Easter we went over to Grandma and Grandpa K's to color Easter eggs. Eli did really well and loved it! He did try to drink out of the colored vinegar water cups a few times, but I think we stopped him each time before he got anything in his mouth! Yuck! LOL!

The kids also colored Easter eggs with Grandma Watson on Friday, but I didn't get any pics because Jon and I got to have a date day/night while they were over there! :)
The day before Easter was very cold and windy! But we decided to brave it out and take the kids to Riverfront park for their annual egg hunt.

The adults weren't allowed in the section that Kambria was in (understandably!) but I was able to get this picture of Kambria bending down to grab her first egg. She is in the middle with the pink hat and fleece jacket.
After I snapped a couple picture of Kambria, I hurried over to Eli's section where him and Daddy were so I could get a few pics of him too!

Finally! Easter morning!!!! Rosalyn (Jon's sister) and Audriana stayed the night at our house the night before so they could join us for breakfast and conference on tv. Audriana got a hula hoop from the Easter bunny and Kambria got a new bike! The Easter bunny doesn't usually bring big gifts to our house such as a bike, but this year Daddy and I had a special talk with the Easter bunny and let him know that Kambria really needed a bigger bike and it couldn't wait for her birthday in August. :) We were very happy when we saw that he honored our wishes this year! :) Hopefully she will learn how to ride it without training wheels by sometime this summer! (fingers crossed!)

She was really excited! But it has been a little bit of an adjustment for her compared to her tiny 12" princess bike she got 3 years ago!
After having a little fun outside, we decided to go in and find out what they got in their Easter buckets! :)

Eli got his first piggy bank and a couple little extra things since he didn't get anything big. He was happy with what he got, but mostly excited about the candy! I had to empty the candy out of his bucket and put it up so he wouldn't eat it all at once!

Then we had a little Easter egg hunt in the living room to find the "real" colored eggs that were hidden in there.

They got to have a second egg hunt outside in the backyard to find the plastic eggs that the Easter bunny hid with
jelly beans and money(coin).

Eli was sucking on his "ring pop" like it was a
binky! :)

Blue slobber all over after taking his "ring pop" out! :)

Eli had fun emptying his eggs of the money and putting it in his new piggy bank. :)

"Peek a Boo!" :)

After a day of eating too much candy and watching conference with Jon's Mom and Sister, we headed over to my parent's house for dinner and another egg hunt! :)

Eli and
Kaden going through
their eggs and finding more money and candy! :)

Grandma and Grandpa K got all the kids kites in
their Easter baskets. It was a perfect day to fly them so we put them together and got ready to go outside!
~Eli decided it was fun to throw around the yellow grass out of his basket! Thus the grass hanging from his hood! :) LOL!

The kids and the Daddies had a lot of fun flying the kites! Although cold, the wind was perfect for it!

Eli flew his own too! What a big boy!!!!