Thursday, June 24, 2010
Benson's First Bath
Benson didn't enjoy his first bath at home very much. But baths since haven't been too bad.
Things are all better when you are wrapped up in a towel! :)
Things are all better when you are wrapped up in a towel! :)
Done with Kindergarten!
Kambria's last day of school was the day Benson and I were released from the hospital. Kambria was really excited to be able to show Mrs. Waisman her new baby brother! She did so GREAT this year and is ready to move on to 1st grade! She is getting so big! We love you Sunshine!!!!
Kambria and Mrs. Waisman

Kambria and Mrs. Waisman
Monday, June 14, 2010
Our Sweet Benson Has Arrived!
Our sweet baby boy has finally arrived! :)
Benson was due on Saturday, June 5th, but that day came and went and we began the "over due waiting game". Because we knew he was going to be a bigger baby, my doctor and I decided to set a date to get induced on Wednesday the 9th. On Tuesday I was full of different emotions knowing that the next day we would finally be welcoming our new baby. I wasn't feeling real well all day and I was extremely exhausted. Around 6:30, after taking a nap with Eli, I woke up with contractions. They weren't real painful yet, just very uncomfortable. I was excited because I figured the process would just go that much quicker the next morning with me being in the first stages of labor already before being induced. As the night went on the contractions got stronger! I was scheduled to go into the hospital at 7:30, but by the time 5:00 rolled around I knew I wanted to go in earlier. I called the hospital and asked them if we could come in an hour earlier and I let them know I was already in labor. They agreed that would be best; so at 6:30 we arrived. They quickly got me situated and checked. Sure enough I was dilated to a 4! Not much, but better than the 2cm I was dilated to the week before at my doc. appt. By 8:00 the contractions were coming on very strong so I received my epidural and my doctor came in and broke my water. I was then able to relax and get some sleep. Jon and my mom were also there patiently waiting and keeping me company when I was awake. Around 3:00 he finally started to drop and things really progressed after that. I think it was around 3:40 when I really felt like I needed to start pushing, so the nurse checked me, and sure enough it was time. They finished getting everything they needed in preparation for him to arrive and knowing that there was a lot of mechonium (sp?) in the amniotic fluid, they had to be prepared for anything to go wrong with that too. I pushed for just over 15 minutes and he arrived at 4:03 pm weighing 9lbs .08ozs and was 22 inches long! I will never forget looking into Benson's eyes for the first time as he looked right at me when they laid him on me right after delivery. He was so cute and I was instantly in love with him! :) That moment only lasted just that, a moment, and they had to hurry and take him from me to check him. His cry was so precious, but he was having a bit of a hard time breathing correctly. They then took him out of the room to the Special Care part of the nursery where they had to put him under the oxygen tent. Jon was able to follow them and be with him. They were hoping he wouldn't have to be in there for too long, but when his oxygen level stabilized for a while they tried to take him out and it dropped back down. The doctor decided it would be best to keep him in the Nursery over night to have him continuously monitored closely. (continued throughout pics.....)

While I was in the Nursery, Jon came back with the kids and they were able to go in there and see their baby brother for the first time. Kambria was so excited and wished so much that she could hold him too. She kept saying how cute he was and that she loved him.

Eli was excited to see him too! He kept saying "baby!" When Daddy took him out he said "bye baby" a few times. :) The nurses thought that was pretty cute and so did we!! :)

At 2:30 am the nurse came and woke me up to let me know that he was out of the oxygen tent, doing well, and that they wanted to know if I would like to go in there to nurse him for the first time. I woke Jon up, and of course had to use the bathroom, and we were in the Nursery at 2:45. I got to hold him for the first time and nurse him and it was WONDERFUL!!! :)

In the morning he was able to be in the room with us! :) Jon got to hold him for the first time then because while I was nursing him earlier in the morning he had to leave to do our paper route. Daddy loved every moment and did not want to give him up!
My mom came in with Eli around lunch time. He was excited to see his baby brother again and be able to touch him and give him a kiss! :) 

Our first family picture taken Thursday night.

Here are my 3 beautiful kids!!!!

Here are pics of all the special visitors!

Grandma Pooh (Auntie Adie visited the day before, before we were able to hold him. She came over shortly after we got home, I just don't have those pics loaded yet)
Benson was due on Saturday, June 5th, but that day came and went and we began the "over due waiting game". Because we knew he was going to be a bigger baby, my doctor and I decided to set a date to get induced on Wednesday the 9th. On Tuesday I was full of different emotions knowing that the next day we would finally be welcoming our new baby. I wasn't feeling real well all day and I was extremely exhausted. Around 6:30, after taking a nap with Eli, I woke up with contractions. They weren't real painful yet, just very uncomfortable. I was excited because I figured the process would just go that much quicker the next morning with me being in the first stages of labor already before being induced. As the night went on the contractions got stronger! I was scheduled to go into the hospital at 7:30, but by the time 5:00 rolled around I knew I wanted to go in earlier. I called the hospital and asked them if we could come in an hour earlier and I let them know I was already in labor. They agreed that would be best; so at 6:30 we arrived. They quickly got me situated and checked. Sure enough I was dilated to a 4! Not much, but better than the 2cm I was dilated to the week before at my doc. appt. By 8:00 the contractions were coming on very strong so I received my epidural and my doctor came in and broke my water. I was then able to relax and get some sleep. Jon and my mom were also there patiently waiting and keeping me company when I was awake. Around 3:00 he finally started to drop and things really progressed after that. I think it was around 3:40 when I really felt like I needed to start pushing, so the nurse checked me, and sure enough it was time. They finished getting everything they needed in preparation for him to arrive and knowing that there was a lot of mechonium (sp?) in the amniotic fluid, they had to be prepared for anything to go wrong with that too. I pushed for just over 15 minutes and he arrived at 4:03 pm weighing 9lbs .08ozs and was 22 inches long! I will never forget looking into Benson's eyes for the first time as he looked right at me when they laid him on me right after delivery. He was so cute and I was instantly in love with him! :) That moment only lasted just that, a moment, and they had to hurry and take him from me to check him. His cry was so precious, but he was having a bit of a hard time breathing correctly. They then took him out of the room to the Special Care part of the nursery where they had to put him under the oxygen tent. Jon was able to follow them and be with him. They were hoping he wouldn't have to be in there for too long, but when his oxygen level stabilized for a while they tried to take him out and it dropped back down. The doctor decided it would be best to keep him in the Nursery over night to have him continuously monitored closely. (continued throughout pics.....)

Daddy's first touch
Daddy holding his little foot
It wasn't until about 8:00 when I finally got to go see him. I had to wait until the epidural had completely worn off. It was so hard just looking at him through the foggy tent, not being able to hold him close and kiss his cheeks. I just stood there touching his leg and feeling his soft skin.

While I was in the Nursery, Jon came back with the kids and they were able to go in there and see their baby brother for the first time. Kambria was so excited and wished so much that she could hold him too. She kept saying how cute he was and that she loved him.

Eli was excited to see him too! He kept saying "baby!" When Daddy took him out he said "bye baby" a few times. :) The nurses thought that was pretty cute and so did we!! :)

At 2:30 am the nurse came and woke me up to let me know that he was out of the oxygen tent, doing well, and that they wanted to know if I would like to go in there to nurse him for the first time. I woke Jon up, and of course had to use the bathroom, and we were in the Nursery at 2:45. I got to hold him for the first time and nurse him and it was WONDERFUL!!! :)

In the morning he was able to be in the room with us! :) Jon got to hold him for the first time then because while I was nursing him earlier in the morning he had to leave to do our paper route. Daddy loved every moment and did not want to give him up!
My mom came in with Eli around lunch time. He was excited to see his baby brother again and be able to touch him and give him a kiss! :)
Grandma K needed a chance to hold him for the first time too! She had been there for the delivery, but also hadn't gotten the chance to hold him yet.

Daddy went and picked up Kambria from school. She had been so anxious to get to the hospital all day! She was so very excited to hold him for the first time! What a sweet big sister!!! :)

Our first family picture taken Thursday night.

Here are my 3 beautiful kids!!!!

Here are pics of all the special visitors!
Grandpa K

Grandma Pooh (Auntie Adie visited the day before, before we were able to hold him. She came over shortly after we got home, I just don't have those pics loaded yet)
Grandma and Grandpa "Great" Nelson
Grandma Watson
Auntie Rose and Audriana
We are in love with this baby boy!!! So far he has been a great sleeper and loves to eat!
I am feeling so good! This recovery has been so much easier than my last two and it has been wonderful!!! :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Our last Family Day as a family of 4!
Saturday, June 5th was the big day!!!....or it was Benson's due date! Since he decided not to arrive, we decided to spend the day as a family and make it our own fun family day! It made it even better that there were two fun activities being held in Spokane that day too, not to mention it was beautiful!!!!
We spent the morning in downtown Hillyard (right by our house) where they were having a Sidewalk chalk event and contest! The kids loved it and did great! After they were done with their drawings, we decided to walk through downtown Hillyard and look through a few of the great antique shops! We have lived near this area for 6 years and have never done this before! We also figured all the walking would help "move things along!" :)

The theme of the event was "Under the Sea" so Kambria drew a picture of a mermaid, some fish, and a couple flowers. :)

We spent the morning in downtown Hillyard (right by our house) where they were having a Sidewalk chalk event and contest! The kids loved it and did great! After they were done with their drawings, we decided to walk through downtown Hillyard and look through a few of the great antique shops! We have lived near this area for 6 years and have never done this before! We also figured all the walking would help "move things along!" :)

The theme of the event was "Under the Sea" so Kambria drew a picture of a mermaid, some fish, and a couple flowers. :)

After going home for lunch and relaxing a bit, we headed to the Browns Addition neighborhood in the late afternoon to enjoy Artfest. :) I have lived in Spokane all my life and have never actually been to this event! They were celebrating their 25th year. We actually drove around for about 20 minutes trying to find somewhere to park and luckily found a great spot!! Thank goodness!!!!
This guy was a "one man band" and was great! He probably would be one to get "buzzed" out on America's Got Talent, but for Artfest he was very entertaining!!! There are other instruments on his back that are hooked to strings on his feet. :)

Kambria working on her artwork. :) She painted a paper bag fish. :)
Kindergarten Concert
Kambria had her Kindergarten Concert June 3rd. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it or not. Even though I would have loved to have had the baby, it was great to able to go to Kambria's first little concert!!! :)

Uncle Brandon and Kaden came and brought Kambria some beautiful roses!!!!

She was so excited to get flowers!!!! :)

Uncle Brandon and Kaden came and brought Kambria some beautiful roses!!!!

She was so excited to get flowers!!!! :)

A little bit of May
I have quite a bit to catch up on for the month of May. So, I am going to pick a few of my favorite pics from the fun stuff that went on; which is hard since there are a bunch of pictures!!!

We go to the Armed Forces Day, Torchlight Parade (Lilac Parade) every year. It has become tradition for us to park there early so we can have a little tailgate bbq right before the parade with both sides of our family. This year we ended up in a different spot, but has now become our new favorite! Jon set up an extra chair in front of me so I could put my swollen feet up! I was able to be comfortable the whole parade!

After having fun in Mobius Kids, Kambria's class got to have a picnic lunch at Riverfront Park. :) After they all ate, the class had fun rolling and running down the big hill! Eli and Kambria did too!!! :)
Jon had a birthday! I had a doctor appt that afternoon. So since the kids were at Jon's sister's we decided to take advantage of that and enjoyed a date at the Onion for his birthday dinner and dessert! The Onion gives away the best and biggest free birthday desserts!!!!

Because it was so close to my due date, we didn't spend all of Memorial Day weekend with my parents like we normally do. Instead, Kaden and Kambria got to spend a whole day with Grandma and Grandpa K by themselves, go to Silverwood, and stay the night in their trailer! They had a blast! Jon, Eli, and I met them in Couer d' Alene the next day to pick them up and enjoy most of the day with them too! We played on the big playground for a while, walked the boardwalk, and then headed to Silverwood for the last half of the day. :)
Eli got to go to his first Father/Son campout!!! They didn't actually stay the night since we have the paper route and with me being 8 months pregnant at the time Jon didn't want me doing it by myself......I didn't argue with that!!! Hopefully next year they will actually get to stay for the night! They had a lot of fun anyway!!!
Eli was so excited that he was ready to go before Daddy got home so he paced up and down the sidewalk waiting for him! :)

We go to the Armed Forces Day, Torchlight Parade (Lilac Parade) every year. It has become tradition for us to park there early so we can have a little tailgate bbq right before the parade with both sides of our family. This year we ended up in a different spot, but has now become our new favorite! Jon set up an extra chair in front of me so I could put my swollen feet up! I was able to be comfortable the whole parade!

Eli and I got to join Kambria's kindergarten class on their field trip to Mobius Kids!

After having fun in Mobius Kids, Kambria's class got to have a picnic lunch at Riverfront Park. :) After they all ate, the class had fun rolling and running down the big hill! Eli and Kambria did too!!! :)
Jon had a birthday! I had a doctor appt that afternoon. So since the kids were at Jon's sister's we decided to take advantage of that and enjoyed a date at the Onion for his birthday dinner and dessert! The Onion gives away the best and biggest free birthday desserts!!!!

Because it was so close to my due date, we didn't spend all of Memorial Day weekend with my parents like we normally do. Instead, Kaden and Kambria got to spend a whole day with Grandma and Grandpa K by themselves, go to Silverwood, and stay the night in their trailer! They had a blast! Jon, Eli, and I met them in Couer d' Alene the next day to pick them up and enjoy most of the day with them too! We played on the big playground for a while, walked the boardwalk, and then headed to Silverwood for the last half of the day. :)
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