Going all the way back to October!!!!
Greenbluff~ a gem of the Spokane area where many go to enjoy something for each season! One of our favorite times to go is right before Halloween for pumpkins and apples. :) This year we went up there with my (Maryanne) family.

Benson looking cute in Daddy's sunglasses while watching his brother, sister, and cousin play in the maze.

Kaden and Kambria showing us where they are in the maze

Eli did not want to get off this tractor! Future farmer maybe??? :)

We went on a hay ride through the apple orchard, Benson fell asleep. :)

We picked LOTS of apples!!!! Here is Kaden trying to get a "high" one!

Grandpa K helping to carry Kambria's pumpkin out of the mostly green pumpkin patch. The weather made for slim pickings this year!

Eli sat and waited on the one that he wanted! :)
A couple days before Halloween we went to my parent's to carve pumpkins. It looks like Eli has been helping himself to the pumpkin guts! :) .....only it is just the yummy frosting from his pumpkin cookie that Grandma gave him. :)

The kids by their finished products. Kambria chose a cat under the night sky and Eli a raccoon popping out of a pumpkin. Thank you Grandpa K and Daddy for helping (mostly doing) the hard work! :)

Our kiddos all dressed up for Halloween! Benson the cute Dalmatian dog, Kambria the beautiful mermaid (she wanted to be like Merlia from Barbie and the Mermaid Tale so she wanted her hair pink) and Eli the adorable Scooby Doo!

In the beginning of November Kambria lost both of her bottom front teeth within a week. She was so excited!!! Especially since she got a visit from the tooth fairy twice in one week! Shortly after, where she lost is where Benson gained! :)

Santa arrived at Riverpark Square the Friday before Thanksgiving. We attended last year and enjoyed it, this year we got there late, but the kids still got to see Santa and we had a good time with Auntie Roo, Madeleine, and Baby George with us too!

Madeleine, Kambria, and Eli having fun on the big gift boxes while waiting to see Santa.

Thanksgiving arrived and brought winter with it!!!!!!! Kambria, Audriana, and Eli had fun playing in it while waiting for dinner to be ready at Grandma Watson's! Eli wasn't sure he wanted anything to do with the snow at first, but as soon as I convinced him to let the girls pull him on the sled, he had a blast! :)

Benson got his first baby food meal for Thanksgiving! Yummy Sweet Potato's!!!

Eli was sneaky and got a hold of the gravy. Before we could do or say anything he had dumped half of it on his plate!

The first Friday of December we went on a date with my parents. We went downtown to enjoy a carriage ride, live band at the Peacock room at the Davenport while eating dinner, and then a stroll around the second level balcony floor where they had a bunch of Amazing Christmas trees displayed!

Benson all bundled up before church in his cute jacket and hat I bought for him before he was born. There are few things that have just been his since he has used a lot of his big brother's clothes.

Eli helping to decorate the Christmas tree. :)

One of the Mondays in December for family home evening we went to the conservatory at Manito Park to enjoy the lights and poinsettias. Kambria was given this exotic/foreign lemon from one of the workers there. She was really excited about it. It smelled so yummy, and later when we broke it open we discovered it to be one of the most sour things we have tasted!
Alrighty.....now that I am caught up to Christmas, I will do a post about that separately. It is nice to finally be getting caught up since I have been thinking about it for a while!