Monday, September 29, 2008

Its only the beginning.......

.......of Eli getting into everything! He is now 7 months! At 6 1/2 months he started going from a laying position to sitting on his own; he discovered then that if he did this over and over again he would move a little each time to whatever he was trying to get to. The day before he turned 7 months he would finally crawled a couple crawl "steps" and then either would face plant it or just sit up. He's been getting a little more mobile everyday and getting into way more than Kambria ever did!!! He is a boy after all! :) He has also started pulling himself up on his hands and feet. He hasn't figured out how to go anywhere that way, but he seems to like doing it! And a few days ago he pulled himself up to stand holding onto Daddy's leg!
My baby boy is getting so big!
We have come up with another nick name for him too.....Oscar! As in Oscar the Grouch! He gets so grouchy and will constantly do his whining by making his "mmmmmmmmm" noise! I don't always know if it his teeth bothering him or his tummy. He also still has bad cradle cap, so if anyone knows of anything else to do with that let me know! I have tried a TON of different things! Poor kid has really dry skin and eczema too! I guess I can't blame him for being a grouch! And......he has been such a mama's boy!!!!!!!!!!! In some ways I like it and in others I don't!

I don't have any pics of him trying to crawl yet or up on his hands and feet, but here is a pic of him playing with plastic bowls on the kitchen floor while I was making dinner.

Playing at Mc D's

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Photo shoot of the kids

These were all done by my awesome cousin Misty! You can check out her website at . My nephew Kaden joined us for the photo shoot too. These pics are Kambria's 4 year and Eli's 6 month pictures. Kaden is 3 1/2. It's really hard to choose which pictures I like the best. :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Wedding, A Fair, An 80's moment, and A Swinger

Here are some pics from the last week~

Last Saturday we went to our friends wedding and reception. Daddy loves dancing with his little girl!!! :)

And here I am dancing with my baby boy! :)
Jon dj'd for both the wedding and the reception.
My baby boy is getting so big! :)

Last Monday we went to the fair for the KSPS "free" day! Kambria thought it was pretty cool to meet Ronald McDonald!

Kambria, Madeleine, and Auntie Roo feeding and petting the goats

Jon met us there after he got off work. Here he is being silly.....Eli is looking at him like "what are you wearing daddy???!!!!"

On Wednesday Kambria came out of her room with her hat on like this......I had to take a picture! She had just taken out her braid, so her hair looked crimped and was laying to the side, just like in the 80's. Her hat just adds the extra 80's touch to her look! :)

Kambria has learned how to pump her legs and swing all by herself! Now she wants to swing all the time. Here she is still in her pj's after begging to go outside and swing right after waking up.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Eli's first hair cut!

Kambria just got her first hair cut at 4 years old (of course she is a girl!:). Here is Eli needing his first hair cut at 6 months! :)

Before......(cute boy!!)..... After.....(even cuter boy!!!)......
The next day after I fixed the sides......although you can't really see a whole lot of his hair in this pic.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Only 4 pictures and last post of.........

......yes Silverwood! This will be the last post about Silverwood until next "Silverwood" season! Thank you so much to my mom and dad for buying the gold passes every year so we can have all these fun memories!!!!
This is Labor day. The weather was definitely less than desirable, but we made the best of it. My dad stayed long enough to get us in and then went home. We spent the day with good friends from Jon's work and from church. Even though it was cold and rainy, and even hailed for a little bit, some of the guys and a couple of the girls went swimming anyway. Jon braved the coldness, but I just bundled up in his big sweatshirt and tried to stay warm. Right before it started to hail I sat down on one of the beach chairs outside of the cabana to feed Eli; of course not knowing it was going to start hailing I was stuck! Eli was covered by the blanket, but I had to just put my head down and deal with it! All in all it turned out to still be a fun day though! Here are just 4 pictures from our day.....

This is what the sky looked like some of the day.....we did get sun breaks off and on
Jon catching a wave!
Eli loves Kambria's blowup flower that she got from Silverwood a couple times ago, so this time I decided to get Eli a blow up toy of his own......a cool football! Perfect for our future NFL star! :) We say he is going to be the next "Eli Watson" just like there is an "Eli Manning" right now.
Daddy survived after riding passenger while Kambria drove the car!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day weekend (Saturday and Sunday)

Labor Day weekend was awesome this year! I wish the weather could have been better, but we still had fun! Saturday we drove to the Silverwood campground to unload our stuff, set up our tent, and go into the park with my parents and Kaden. This is usually the last weekend of the year that we after this you shouldn't have to see anymore Silverwood pics.....well except for my next post(which will be a smaller one) about our RAINY day at Silverwood on Monday. So....the first 7 pics are from our day at Silverwood on Saturday, all the MANY pics after that are from our amazing day on Sunday up at Silver Mountain!!!! :)

Grandpa K. and Eli This is one of Kambria's favorite rides! Here is Jon and Kaden and you can also see Kambria a few places behind them with the pink sunglasses. My mom rode with Kambria.......this is the ONLY roller coaster that my mom will ride!

Kambria wanted to get her face painted, this is what she picked out! I think it turned out pretty cute!
On the train

In the middle of the train ride there is a funny act by some "redneck" brothers who end up "robbing" the train. All the money taken(collected) is donated to the local Make a Wish foundation. This is Kambia giving him gold.....he was very excited.....they normally only get silver and green. I gave her one of the new gold dollar coins to give him. I was holding the camera up so I kind of cut off their hands, but you can get the picture :)

End of Saturday............

..........and now for Sunday........
We were trying to decide what to do, since we usually like to have a "family" day by doing something other than going to Silverwood on Sunday. Jon had never ridden the gondola at Silver Mountain and I hadn't ridden it since I was really young. So we all piled into my dad's truck.....with Jon and I sitting in the very back under the canopy so we would only have to take one vehicle. It was actually really nice to be able to take a drive like that, just cuddling in the back with my hubby!

Jon and Eli in the gondola

Kambria looking out the window as we are going "up and up and up" the mountain (as she said)

my mom and dad and Kaden

Eli and I as we were going even further up the mountain on the chair lift

Kambria and Kaden wanted to ride with Grandma and Grandpa K

This is what we saw after we got up to the peak (after a very short hike to the top) It was so beautiful!!!!! I thought it was a perfect thing to see on a be able to see more of Heavenly Father's amazing and beautiful creations.

my mom with Kambria and Kaden on the deck of the Silver mountain peak lookout house

my dad and Jon were very interested to hear about the "fire wheel" it is an old way(but still used) to keep a lookout for fires in the surrounding area and to be able to figure out the distance and location of them. My dad was excited to see one because my Grandpa (his dad) used to work on one.

Kambria on Grandpa K's shoulders

I love this family picture.....except that Kambria's hair is covering her face from the gust of wind that happened right then!

People usually don't come totally prepared for the cooler weather on top of the mountain during the summer. So they provide coats for people to wear; as you can see on my mom and I.

I have such an awesome mom and dad!!!!! Thanks for the great weekend!!!!

Jon, Eli, and I on our way back down the mountain.

They had a play ground for the kids between where you get off the chair lift and onto the gondola. Here is Eli taking one of his first rides down the slide! Weeeeeeee!!!!

I used to play tether(spelling???) ball all the time when I was in elementary school, so I was excited to see that they still exist!

My dad got us all hot chocolate to help warm us up from the cold mountain air! Yummy!!!!

I took this picture right before we left for those of you who have never been to Silver Mountain. I highly recommend this experience to anyone!!!!!!!!!!!