.......of Eli getting into everything! He is now 7 months! At 6 1/2 months he started going from a laying position to sitting on his own; he discovered then that if he did this over and over again he would move a little each time to whatever he was trying to get to. The day before he turned 7 months he would finally crawled a couple crawl "steps" and then either would face plant it or just sit up. He's been getting a little more mobile everyday and getting into way more than Kambria ever did!!! He is a boy after all! :) He has also started pulling himself up on his hands and feet. He hasn't figured out how to go anywhere that way, but he seems to like doing it! And a few days ago he pulled himself up to stand holding onto Daddy's leg!
My baby boy is getting so big!
We have come up with another nick name for him too.....Oscar! As in Oscar the Grouch! He gets so grouchy and will constantly do his whining by making his "mmmmmmmmm" noise! I don't always know if it his teeth bothering him or his tummy. He also still has bad cradle cap, so if anyone knows of anything else to do with that let me know! I have tried a TON of different things! Poor kid has really dry skin and eczema too! I guess I can't blame him for being a grouch! And......he has been such a mama's boy!!!!!!!!!!! In some ways I like it and in others I don't!
I don't have any pics of him trying to crawl yet or up on his hands and feet, but here is a pic of him playing with plastic bowls on the kitchen floor while I was making dinner.
Uh oh, it looks like you are going to have your hands full with him deciding to become mobile on top of getting into everything. :) Your kids are so cute!
bet you have already tried this if you have done a lot of things already. Ahnna had it bad too and I put baby oil on her scalp and used a toothbrush to scrub it around and it helped a lot. Just make sure to wash it all out, Ahnna went to church with rather greasy hair once because I underestimated the oil. :) Hope that was one you haven't heard
EmmaLynn had it pretty bad too. I figured out a little later it was due to a milk allergy. My sister in law had the same thing with her son. they took him and got allergy testing and found out a ton of stuff he couldn't have.. He grew out of most of it but that was what was causing the eczema. and dry skin... they had to change to a very sensitive skin soap for him. hope that helps something.
Got to love mobility in infants and toddlers!! I love it! It means less of Mommy carrying them!!
Like Naomi said, a lot of my friends have had kids with eczema and found that there were allergies involved with it. Especially milk protein. All of my kids have that allergy.That's not everyone's allergy so it might be good to get checked. So who knows!
Amino Pon soap is said to work well. It really helped with Keeley's craddle cap. We too used a hard bristle toothbrush and just rubbed in a circle over her head 2 washes every bath and put on a great non allergenic -non fragrant lotion on after the bath. It helped clear it up around 1 week.(that's with a bath every night to do this) Good luck!!
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