Monday, August 17, 2009


I just got done sending out 10 notes through facebook since I could only tag 30 people in each note! I sure hope we are able to get some donations through all that!
I am also trying my wonderful blog followers too!
Along with our best friends George and Rhiannon, Jon and I are participating in the Bike MS event in North Idaho. We are doing it to raise money for an amazing charity and also in the names of someone who has passed away from the disease and someone who has been recently diagnosed. I also just found out about a friend my age who was diagnosed this summer. Multiple Sclerosis effects so many people and it can be a very vicious disease! Please help us and help so many others by donating to this cause. There is a link on the right side of this page, it is located right below the "Bike MS" logo pic I have posted. The link will take you to the official site and a secure site of the MS Society where you click on "Donate to Maryanne". Jon and I as a couple need to raise $500 and as a team for the 4 of us we are trying to raise $1000. Please help! Even if you can only donate 5, 10, 20 dollars.........anything would help! Thank you!

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